Teachers Talk Travel
Helping teachers travel together for fun, for PD, and for free. Discover ways to travel better, farther and more often on a teacher’s budget. Learn about teacher travel discounts, teacher travel grants, teacher travel programs, fellowships, scholarships, seasonal jobs, teaching abroad, and so much more.
10 episodes
Episode 9 | What is a Traveling Teacher, Anyway?
As we start Season 2 of the Teachers Talk Travel podcast, we're going back to basics.In this episode, we're answering these questions:What is a Traveling Teacher?What's the Teachers Talk Travel podcast about?
Season 2
Episode 1
Episode 8 | Meghan the Traveling Teacher talks about teaching online!
In this episode of Teachers Talk Travel, you'll get to know Meghan Ramsey - the author behind Meghan the Traveling Teacher<...
Season 1
Episode 8
Episode 7 | Abbie Reich shares about her experience with Search Associates
In this episode of Teachers Talk Travel, you'll get to know Abbie Reich - a 2nd grade teacher from North Carolina who's moving to Cairo, Egypt.This episode is a must-listen for any educator considering the pursuit of a teaching job abro...
Episode 6 | Scott Gimmy shares about hiking the Camino de Santiago, and pursuing a master's degree in Spain!
In this episode of Teachers Talk Travel, you'll get to know Scott Gimmy - a Spanish teacher at a school in Illinois.On top of teaching Spanish, he's also a certified Latin teacher - who's hiked the Camino de Santiago (twice!!),...